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All Pilates classes are now available to book online! 

Please use the booking tab to book. 

New Gentle / Beginners Pilates

Tuesdays 11.15am-12.10pm at Owlsmoor Community Centre.

Trial class ONLY £5!

What is Pilates?

Pilates is a slow, no-impact form of exercise designed to help mobilise your spine and joints while strengthening your core muscles. Regular practice can improve your posture and can help to relieve back and other joint pain.  


Possibly the best way to explain Pilates is this: Your body has many layers, like an onion, each with its own purpose. You skin is your outer layer, protecting the body from infection. Next, you have a layer of skeletal muscles, providing movement to your limbs. Under this layer, you have a layer of "core muscles". These act as stabilisers to your spine, pelvis and shoulder girdle. These muscles have a tendency to become lazy and weak, leading to an unstable spine, pelvis and shoulder girdle.


When was the last time you thought about stabilising your pelvis or spine before you moved? Never?  You shouldn't have to think about it, however, in modern day life, the human body has become lazy. This has led to poor posture, untoned muscles and increased back and joint pain.


Pilates will help you to re-gain control of your stabilising core muscles, improve your posture and help you to understand how your body SHOULD be moving.


There are face to face classes, live Zoom classes, 1:1 sessions and small group sessions available, depending on your preferences.


Clinical Pilates is available on a 1:1 basis for those with more severe back or joint problems or other conditions.

Pre and Post natal Pilates is also available on a 1:1 or small group basis.


Pilates can seem a little complicated to start with, and for this reason I encourage people to start with a beginners course, or a 1:1 session, or small group session. This gives you the opportunity to learn at your own pace and ask questions along the way. It also give me as the teacher, the ability to focus on individuals closely and see where I can improve their technique. 


Following this you can join any mixed ability class.


Ultimate Membership

£45 per month

Includes: 1x face to face class per week

                 Online library access

Face to Face Classes

£10 per class payable in blocks of 4 in advance. Flexible online booking system available.

1:1 Sessions

£40 per session 


£360 for a block of 10 sessions

Online Library Subscription

£11 per month



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